Broadband pattern diversity annular slot antenna

In [12], dual-band circularly polarized annular slot antenna is obtained by employing two square slots, a bended microstrip line and a cavity back. As shown in Figure 2(a), antenna 1 is a fold annular slot antenna , and the asymmetric of the slot width will lead to two split orthogonal degenerate modes around 2. Shorted Annular Slot Antenna (ASA) Matched at Three Different ...

Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas - 8.2.2 A Three-Dimensional V-Shaped Microstrip Antenna 280 8.3 Broadband Dual-Polarized Microstrip Antennas 282 8.3.1 Use of Two Aperture-Coupled Feeds 282 8.3.2 Use of a Gap-Coupled Probe Feed and an H-Slot Coupled Feed 287 8.3.3 Use of an L-Strip Coupled Feed and an H-Slot Coupled Feed 288 9 Broadband and Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Dual Port Ultra Wideband Antennas for Cognitive Radio and ... A Broadband Pattern Diversity Annular Slot Antenna Michele Gallo , Eva Antonino-Daviu , Miguel Ferrando-Bataller , Michele Bozzetti , Jose-Maria Molina-Garcia-Pardo , Leandro Juan-Llacer IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ULTRA-WIDEBAND CO-LOCATED DIVERSITY ANTENNA FOR ENHANCING ... PRAJAKTA KULKARNI AND SUNIL MOON: ULTRA-WIDEBAND CO-LOCATED DIVERSITY ANTENNA FOR ENHANCING CHANNEL CAPACITY . 1380 . slot resonators on the feeding structures. The proposed antenna facilitates nearly Omni directional radiation pattern, low envelope correction coefficient, moderate gain, and efficiency. Moreover, BROADBAND ARRAY ANTENNA - Cobham plc

A rectangular slot antenna with improved bandwidth ...

This invention relates to an antenna for direction finders presenting a high sensitivity in a narrow band by making a loop antenna and a shielding tube resonate at any two desired frequencies. US2471021A - Radio wave guide - Google Patents This antenna structure comprising essentially a stacked biconical horn array is commonly utilized to develop a field distribution having a uniform circular horizontal pattern. Radioengineering - April 2018, Volume 27, Number 1 [DOI: 10 The monopole antenna is modified using microstrip transition in the feedline and block with a triangular-shape slot on each side of the circular patch to produce wider impedance bandwidth with better return loss. Radiation Patterns Research Papers -

diversity UWB and Bluetooth antenna for MIMO applications. At last, a ...... Juan-Llacer, “A Broadband Pattern Diversity Annular Slot Antenna,”. IEEE Trans.

The Annular Slot Antenna (ASA) is an interesting simple, low cost, easy to manufacture planar microstrip printed antenna with a compact shape factor and a relatively wide frequency bandwidth (in

Compact Switched-Beam Antenna Employing a Four-Element Slot ...

loop antenna over an annular slot loaded ground plane are shown in Section III. Section IV presents a parametric analysis of the ground plane’s effect using a numerically simulated broadband spiral antenna, including parametric analysis of the slot ring radius, slot width, substrate height, and substrate material. PIER C Online - Compact Ultrawideband MIMO Antenna with ...

Trident-shape strip loaded dual band-notched UWB MIMO

PIER C : Progress In Electromagnetics Research C He, "Closely-packed UWB MIMO/diversity antenna with diggerent patterns and polarizations for USB dongle applications," IEEE Transactions on ... M. Bozzetti, J. M. Molina-Garcia-Pardo, and L. Juan-Llacer, "A broadband pattern diversity annular slot antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and ...

Title: A Broadband Pattern Diversity Annular Slot Antenna: Authors: Gallo, Michele; Antonino-Daviu, Eva; Ferrando-Bataller, Miguel; Bozzetti, Michele; Molina-Garcia ... DUAL-BAND BEAM SCANNING REFLECTARRAYS AND NOVEL WIDEBAND ... Dual-band Beam Scanning Reflectarrays and Novel Wideband and Polarization Diversified Planar Antennas. (August 2008) Shih-Hsun Hsu, B.S., National Cheng Kung University; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Kai Chang The reflectarray antenna has been considered as a suitable candidate to replace the Beamforming Antenna Array Combining Pattern ... - SpringerLink This paper presents a novel beamforming antenna array that combines pattern and polarization diversity for indoor cognitive radio systems. This combination is set to meet two goals. In order to...